Your Secret Weapon for Penalty-Proof, Top-Ranking Content

Establish your website as an authority... Build trust with both readers and search engines.

SEO Mastered
Privacy Ensured
Quality Content
Free To Run

Risk-free content creation or potential Google penalties? The choice is yours.

Penalty-Proof Content: Safeguard your website from Google AI penalties, maintaining stable rankings and traffic.

Double you website traffic in just one month of using Private Content Wizard Pro . The content it produces is not only SEO-friendly but genuinely valuable to my readers.

BUY now   ❯ 

Struggling With Time Consuming Content Creation?

Boost your SEO with AI-powered content that search engines and readers love...

Effortlessly produce authoritative content that builds trust and drives traffic.

  • Revolutionize Your Writing
    Ground breaking, innovative AI-driven enhancements
  • AI-Powered Brilliance
    AI breathes life into your creative visions.
  • Limitless Creativity
    Boundless imagination meets infinite expression.

Overwhelmed by SEO Complexity and Requirements?

Private Content Wizard effortlessly navigates the SEO maze, turning confusing, technical SEO rules into clear, ranking-friendly content, making SEO a stress-free, successful part of your writing journey.

  • End SEO Complexity Nightmares
    Break Free from SEO Hassles
  • Conquer SEO Anxieties Easily
    Turn Complex SEO into Child's Play
  • Turn SEO Fears into Triumphs
    Unlock Stressless SEO Mastery Today

High Praise From Users Of Private Content Wizard

“I can personally attest to its effectiveness in facilitating the creation of high-quality content...

Whether you're crafting compelling product descriptions or weaving intricate narratives Private Content Wizard  proves to be invaluable

Cody Ntiri

“Takes the hassle out of SEO Content Creation for me...

Private Content Wizard has transformed the way I approach content creation for my business...

It feels like having an entire team of expert writers at your disposal!


"Am among the people that tested the app when was first released. Being someone who has challenges with good Internet connection, I gave Private Content Wizard a try. I was very impressed with the output. In one instance it generated about 3500 words article locally on my PC...

The writing looks natural especially with the usage of quotes from experts of the field being written. It doesn't look like generic AI written text."

Francis OWUSU

“Adewale Sir, You just develop a realtime Jarvis for us, that can do the really tough job on our own LOCAL PC without going to use other tools..”

Muhammad Arif

“This works really well, and is fast and accurate!.”

Naheed Hussain

“This tool can churn out a loads of  articles with just a single click...

The Silo writer tailors content to specific seed words, creating semantically rich SEO content effortlessly...

The Titles, artiicles, emails and body content it generates are catchy, curiosity indusing and easily engaging. I am able to write all the articles I want—all at no cost.

Muhammad Zubair

Our Pricing is simple

No commitments. No credit cards required. Start your 14-day trial today!


No More SEO Struggles
Quality Content
Versatility and Control
Advance Technology
Works With CPU and GPU
1000s of Articles Free

Private Content Wizard is uniquely priced at just £79.99, a figure that reflects our commitment to accessibility and value.

We could have easily priced it at £299 monthly and it would have still been a fair price.

Unlike other AI writing tools that risk triggering Google's penalties, Private Content Wizard Pro is designed with Google's AI in mind.

Our software creates unique, authoritative content that expands your website's topical authority while flying under Google's radar.

With features like advanced keyword integration, natural language optimization, and content structure analysis, you're not just creating content – you're crafting SEO masterpieces that Google and your readers will love.

The modest £79.99 one-time charge is not for profit but to support the ongoing development and maintenance of the tool, ensuring it remains cutting-edge and user-friendly.

Moreover, this one-time fee includes free lifetime updates, guaranteeing that users continually benefit from the latest advancements in AI and content creation technology.

Eventually the app will be priced at £199.


Q 1:

Do you have a video tutorial with use cases sample? That would be great to help look into it.

A 1:

Here is a video showcasing the  app... Title: Write 1000 articles in 1 click TOTALLY FREE (LOCALLY)


Q 2:

Is Private Content Wizard good for creating affiliate marketing articles like reviews? Are there options to give it additional data which is used to create the output.

A 2:

Yes you can use it to create reviews. But I do intend on adding a dedicated module for affiliate marketing and reviews.


Q 3:

Help me understand better how this works. I put a private LLM on my computer and pay no API fees. What is the LLMs knowledge base?

Is it everything on your computer or does it include the internet too?

A 3:

The system requires 3 files. A free server program, A free open source Large language model. And The front end I created for interacting with the large language model.

It all runs on your computer so you are 100% in control of everything.

The server program  runs the Large language model on your PC. so you don't even need to be connected to the internet.

I hope that makes sense.


Q 4:

what about future updates? In the future case, if you launch new updates, do we need to pay more?

A 4:

At the moment. I  Plan to update monthly. and grow the apps capability. So If you get in now all you pay is the current price it is at. And  all future updates are free.


Q 5:

How to fine-tune output?

A 5:

At the moment  you can only fine tune the output by controlling the prompt you give it in the chat module.


Q 6:

Can we create a custom template?

A 6:

This is part of  a planned future update


Q 7:

You are using free LLM for this but what happens In case those people completely stop all open source work then?

A 7:

The good thing about open source is that all the model weights and connection have been released so even if the initial owner stops.

We can still use the LLM. Baring them gaining access to your computer and deleting the LLM. They can do nothing about what is on your PC. Plus we have the freedom to further finetune the models for our specific use case.


Q 8:

On how many Pc we can run this?

A 8:

Once you have the files. you can run them on as many pc's as you want.


Q 9:

I hope you have separate Fb group or support forum to provide support and discussion.

A 9:


Here is the link to the group


Facebook page: Just created


Q 10:

What is the cost after 1000 article ?

A 10:

Private LLM costs £0 to run. But that is not counting the electricity you are using to run your PC. so technically maybe not 0.

If you are happy to leave it running and you have given it enough keywords your, the only cost you will incur is the electricity cost.


Q 11:

What PC specs do I need?

A 12:

The app runs on Windows. You need 16GB of ram and a fast CPU.

No More Struggle

Ready to unleash the full potential of your content? Say goodbye to endless writing hours and costly content creation. Embrace the future of blogging with Private Content Wizard. Click here to experience the power of AI-driven, cost-effective content creation. Don't wait – transform your content strategy today!

Buy now
And you can start writing straight away

Private Content Wizard Latest Blogs

Advanced DIY Module Tutorial: Crafting Effective Workflows

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Introducing the DIY Model in Private Content Wizard: A Step-by-Step Intro

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How to use the 1 click article writer

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How to use the conclusion module

Hey there! It's AD, back again to guide you through mastering the Conclusion Writer module in Private LLM.

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How to use the intro module

In this article, we're diving into the art of crafting captivating introductions using the Introduction Module of Private LLM.

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How to use the headline module

Hey, it's Adewale here again, ready to dive into the magic of creating irresistible headlines using the headline module in Private LLM.

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How to use the silo module

Hello, it's Adewale here with an exciting tutorial on how to leverage the Silo function within LM Studio to enhance your website's SEO structure.

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How to set up lm studio

Welcome ti the LM Studio set up guide In this article I'll walk you through setting up LM Studio correctly for its newest update. T

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How to use the body module

Hey there, it's Adewale once again, and today we're diving into how to effectively use the body module of Private LLM to elevate your content creation game.

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How to use the social media module

Hey everyone, Adewale here with another guide, this time focusing on the powerful social media module within Private LLM.

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How to use the email module

We all know that maintaining direct contact with your audience is crucial, and email marketing remains a powerful tool to achieve this.

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How to use the chat modul

Hello, and welcome to a quick tutorial on utilizing the chat module within Private LLM Pro, a comprehensive tool designed to enhance your content creation experience.

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How to use The New Affiliate Review Writer

Hello, folks! It's AD here, and today we're diving into a tutorial on utilizing the Affiliate Review Writer module in Private LLM.

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ChatGPT 4 vs. Private LLM: Which One Writes Faster and better

In this video, I put two powerful AI writing tools to the test: ChatGPT 4 and Private LLM.

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The Cost of Slow Content Creation

It's a painful reality... Due to the rise of AI, each trend

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This (OpenAI) Mistake Will Bleed You Dry

Just a few months back, I stared at my OpenAI bill, heart pounding, eyes wide.

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Getting started

This page is going to guide you step by step through setting up Your Private LLM.

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